Saif Ali Khan - The rocking star

Saif Ali Khan is rocking these days, both professionally and personally. With the name of her lady love, Kareena Kapoor, tattooed on his hand (The tattoo goes Kareena in Devanagri script), Chhote Nawab has other new ventures on too. After hotting up the stage in Capital and down South in Bangalore, he has performed live at the Andheri Sports Complex on Sunday with India Rock and Roll Band, ‘Parikrama’. Saif had developed a passion for guitar and rock music at an early age of 13 when he was at the boarding school in the UK.
All the Saif-Parikrama concerts are being held in Jan and Feb 2008. Saif says, “I’ll rehearse in Alibaug. We’ll play in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore. My shootings won’t be affected because I’ll be rehearsing on the weekends. This is something I want to do. It gives me a great high to be on the stage playing and singing.”
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